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Courses : Department of Agricultural Economics




Course description

 Course CodeCourse TitleUnitsC/R/E
100 LEVEL   
CHE 157Physical Chemistry4R
ZOO111Principles of animal biology3C
PHY 101Physics for agriculture, forestry & veterinary medicine4R
CHE 177Organic Chemistry3C
AGE 110Mathematics in agriculture3C
GES 101Use of English3C
GES106Philosophy and logic3C
CHE 127Inorganic chemistry3R
BOT 121Intro to biology of phanerograms3R
CHE 195Practical chemistry2C
ZOO 112The mammalian body3R
BOT 141Basic principles of botany3C
 Total Units C=20 units; R=17 units37-
200 LEVEL   
AGE 201Intro to computer science in agriculture2R
AGE 210Intro to agricultural economics3C
AED 210Intro to agricultural extension2C
HED 210Intro to home economics3R
CPE 210Intro to crop and forestry botany3C
CPE 211Intro to plant protection2R
CPE 213Plant anatomy and physiology2R
AGY 210Intro to general agriculture (Crops)2C
AGY 212Intro to Agro-climatology2R
SOS 210Elements of soil science2R
ANS 210Intro to general agriculture (Animals)2C
ABN 200Intro to agricultural biochemistry2R
ABN 220Intro to food science and technology2R
FRM 210Intro to forestry resource management3C
GES 103Government, society and the economy3C
VAN 225Veterinary anatomy and physiology3R
WFM 211West african fish and wildlife3C
 Total Units C=21 units; R=20 units41-

Note: C=Compulsory, R=Required, E=Elective
